Friday, September 19, 2008

Field Trip Day

Hello! Lexy has a field trip today at a local peach orchard. She really is excited and since my Mother lives close by to the orchard, she is going to meet her there. I'm not sure what the plan is, but I know they won't be there too long because it takes about 20 minutes to get there, and they are having lunch before they leave. Lexy will enjoy the extra long bus ride, especially since all of her classmates and teachers will be on the bus too!!
I went to the Dr this week for the baby. I start going every 2 weeks now, and that has really been an eye opener for me. I can't believe it has gone so fast!!! I still feel pretty good, but I start preparing for that 3rd trimester. It's always the longest and hardest!! We picked our date for the c-section and Cameron will be born on December 8, unless she decides to come earlier.
Nathan is doing great as usual. He is really into dinosaurs this week and he saw this gicantic one at Toys R us and that is all he talks about now. It was huge but also had a huge price at $130!! Costs of toys sure aren't going down. He is also very exicted about Halloween. He is going to be Buzz Lightyear and Lexy is going to be a pumpkin. She has said all along she wanted to be a pumpkin, so we bought it and now she says she wants to be a ghost. I told her next year (easy answer). She wouldn't be happy with a sheet over her head anyway.
Well I better get off here and go and check on the kids. They've been downstairs without sound for about 15 minutes, and you never know what that means!! Have a good one!!

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