Monday, November 24, 2008

2 weeks and counting....

Yep, I only have 2 more weeks to be a Mom of two. I'm getting really excited to meet her and just have her here with us! We finished up this week doing a little remodeling. Nathan got a new laminate hardwood flooring in his room (he was way too rough on carpet), and we got all new interior doors. It looks really good but I'm just glad the mess is over and things are back in place!! I'm a little OCD when it comes to a clean and tidy house, and especially while I'm pregnant.
Lexy's school had Family Day on Friday and it was so much fun to share the day with her. She was the flag holder that day and just stood in the middle of the carpet holding the flag saying the pledge of allegiance. I didn't even know she knew it, too darn cute!! I met a lot of the kids she talks about and I can see why she likes it so much.
Nathan is getting excited to have a little sister. He shows me everyday how he is going to hold baby Camryn and he tells me he is going to get her "a bottle and a binky when she cries." He is going to have some major adjustments when she gets here, but hopefully it won't take too long to get him back to normal.
We are going to put the tree up this week. I'm excited for the kids, because I know they will love it. Most of our ornaments are characters they like or places we've been. Lots of fun to look at, that's for sure!!
Hope everybody has a wonderful Thanksgiving. Thought I'd share a few pictures from this weekend. Liz

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