Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Lexy went to Riley yesterday for her oncology checkup. Everything went great, her ANC was low but he said she's probably fighting off some kind of viral thingy. All the other counts looked great, so we don't have to go back for 3 whole months!!! YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The kids did great, I was worried taking all three of them b/c sometimes (all the time) we have to wait forever to get a room. Luckily the kids still did great and we only waited an hour to get a room. Mom and I commented yesterday that even though she doesn't get chemo anymore, we are still there the same amount of time. It's sad because that just means there is so many kids out there fighting some type of cancer. There's one little boy I see every time I go there, and I don't go there that often so you know he is really got it bad. I pray for him and all of those poor little children that they find their cure. There's teenagers up there, babies, toddlers, kids with hair, kids with wigs, kids that are bald, it really is a wake up call!!! Lexy has been off chemo for a year now, and is doing wonderful and I just thank God everyday that she has been so healthy and been able to beat her leukemia.
On a lighter note, we went to Kate and Lily's 2nd birthday party on Sunday. The kids really enjoyed themselves and had a great time. My brother's kids are basically the same ages as my kids so it's really nice to get them together to play. Camryn slept through the party, but we told her all about it when she woke up :-)!!!!
All the kids got new shoes yesterday. Lexy had grown almost 2 sizes and Nathan one size, so they were in need!! They are both excited to wear them today!! Lexy has worn the same size since last winter!!
Lexy has been doing great at school. She still basically just tells me about lunch and the bus (must be her two favorite subjects!). Nathan is doing great, he had the touch of the flu the past couple days but seems to be better today. Camryn is growing each day and sleeping more every night. Last night she slept from 10-3:30 and then went right back to sleep and woke up at 6. Can't ask for much more than that. She has a cranky period every night from about 8-10 where she cries and screams but other than that she is a very happy baby.
I'll leave you with some pictures. Liz

1 comment:

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

Awww I love the pic where the girls are looking at each other! SO cute! Glad you have a 3 month break from clinic! We're at every 2 months right now and it's SO nice! LOL