Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Sure is cold outside!! I am enjoying the change in clothes, it's always nice to have a new wardrobe for the kids!!
I think we are going trick or treating on Thursday. Nathan is very excited, he is practicing all the time! Lexy is more excited this year than any other year too. I'm not sure if it's the age, Nathan, or all of the Halloween cartoons we've been watching (probably a combination of all). We don't go to too many houses, just family but it still takes up most of the evening. I'm sure I'll have lots of cute pictures to share!!
Lexy only has school on Monday next week because of parent/teacher conferences. I'm looking forward to meeting with her teacher and see how she is doing. I kind of feel in the dark when it comes to what/how she's doing but I guess that's how it is once they get older and in school. It'll be an interesting week having both kids, hopefully they'll be a couple warm days that we can get outside and play.
Nathan went bowling this past weekend with his Daddy and had a great time. It doesn't really surprise me b/c he loves hanging with his Daddy and he loves playing with balls. Jason said he was just adorable. He'd roll the ball down the lane and then get on his belly and watch it roll all the way down and then scoot back on his belly to the carpet and give everyone a high five. Quite the character!!
Well gotta go, Lexy wants my attention. The pictures are from Nathan at JcPenny's last week. Thought I'd share a few cute ones (they were all cute!!).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nathan is getting so big and handsome!!