Friday, October 3, 2008

Hello! I guess my thoughts on fall weather provoked some cooler weather, because it hasn't even reached 70 this week. It looks like this weekend and next week will be perfect!!
Lexy has had a great week at school. She brought in snack this week for the class, and we decided on Halloween fruit snacks and sliced apples with carmel dip. YUMMY!! She's been enjoying eating at school, but whether she really eats or not, I'm not sure. I'll be asking her teacher at her conference. If there is at least one thing on the school lunch that she'll eat, I usually have her just go ahead and eat school lunch. Of course Pizza day seems to be the biggest hit for her and luckily for her that comes weekly. Her bus driver tells me that Lexy sits with a little girl from her class named Katlyn and that they've really become close buddies. She says there like two little old ladies when Katlyn gets on the bus, because they talk non stop all the way to school. She says it's hilarious!
Nathan has had a good week too. He went a couple days without napping in the afternoon, but it really didn't help him sleep any better at night, so I think we are going to go back to naps. We were both able to lay down today for about an hour before Lexy got home, which is always nice. He went a played at his Mi Mi's house yesterday with Amelia and had a lot of fun. They both love hide and seek, so I think they played that most of the time!! Nathan talks the whole time his "hiding", so he really isn't very good at the game yet, but as much as he does it, he'll be a pro soon. He is in love with candy corn, which I like too b/c it isn't messy. The other day I asked him where his ball went and he replied "I don't know Mommy, it's got to be somewhere!" I thought that was pretty darn cute response!! He's vocabulary makes for some quite interesting conversations between him and Lexy. I so love listening to them when they think I can't hear, too adorable!!
Lexy has her oncology appointment Monday. Should be short and simple and hopefully we can hit Target on the way home. She also has fall break next Friday and Monday. Not sure of any plans yet, maybe the local pumpkin patch with a friend.
I'm going to go and mop now, so thanks for checking in and hope you enjoy your weekend!! Liz

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